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What Is Market Research in Business and How Can It Benefit Your Company?

Mar 29, 2023 | Business and Leadership Skills

What is market research in business? It’s the secret sauce that separates successful companies from those that struggle to stay afloat. It allows business owners and marketers to understand their target market, create effective marketing strategies, develop successful products, and ultimately grow their companies.

Knowing how to use it effectively can be a major factor in determining whether or not your business succeeds. Market research in business is more than just a buzzword; it’s an essential tool for staying ahead of the competition and ensuring long–term success.

In this article, we’ll explore the importance of market research and how it can help your business thrive in today’s competitive marketplace.

MacBook showing market research statistics on the screen

Source: Unsplash

What is Market Research in Business: The Basics

Businesses can get an edge over the competition by gaining insight into their target market through market research. This process entails collecting data about the industry and its consumers, allowing for informed decisions regarding product design, pricing plans, marketing approaches and more.

Market research helps companies understand what makes their target audience tick – what they like or dislike; what motivates them; where they shop; how much they’re willing to spend on certain items – all of which help businesses make better–informed strategic decisions.

For example, suppose you want to open an online business in Dubai and are evaluating several ideas such as grocery, apparel, or electronics. In that case, market research can provide the insights needed for informed decision–making.

Through this research, you can learn more about local demand—what items are in high demand; what prices customers are willing to pay; which brands they prefer; etc.

Primary Objectives of Market Research

Market research typically attempts to identify relevant information in three specific areas – administrative, social, and economic. Here’s how it works:

Administrative Objectives

To ensure success, a business must carefully plan its internal operations. This includes developing an effective pricing strategy, product development process and marketing campaigns.

Market research can provide invaluable insight into optimising resources for maximum productivity and identify areas of opportunity – such as determining the most profitable products or services, pinpointing new customer segments or discovering the best strategies for reaching them. It also helps a company allocate resources to maximise profit and minimise costs.

  • The most cost-effective marketing channels
  • Which customer segments are the most profitable
  • How to adjust pricing strategies for different markets

Social Objectives

Conducting market research can be invaluable to companies seeking to understand their target customers. Through it, you gain insight into the needs and wants of those customers, enabling you to develop products and services tailored specifically for them.

For example, if your main product is coffee or similar beverages, market research can help determine how much customers are willing to pay for a cup or which type they prefer. This helps businesses adjust their offerings accordingly.

Source: Unsplash

Economical Objectives

To determine the financial viability of your product, use market research to estimate production costs, predict sales figures and calculate ROI. For instance, if you’re considering launching a new AI–based mobile application for B2B customers in the UAE market – conducting market research will help you understand how many businesses are likely to subscribe to your app and which features they expect from it.

This way, you can decide whether investing in this project is worth it.

How Does Market Research Benefit Your Company?

Market research is a valuable tool that can benefit companies in several ways. Here are some primary benefits of conducting market research:

  • Identifying new trends and opportunities: You can spot recent trends and opportunities by observing the current marketplace. This allows your business to stay ahead of the competition by introducing innovative products and services that meet customer needs.
  • A better understanding of the target market: Market research provides an in-depth look into customer behaviour, preferences and buying habits. This allows you to create a product that caters to their needs and lifestyle. It also helps you develop marketing strategies tailored to your target audience.
  • Improving marketing strategies: No one size fits all marketing approach exists. For instance, if your target customers are young adults, you may need to use different methods than if your target customers are older. Market research can help you understand how to reach your target customers and create effective marketing campaigns.
  • Mitigating business risks: By understanding customer needs, preferences and behaviour, market research helps you identify potential risks in advance. For example, if a new trend could negatively affect your business or an upcoming competitor is entering the market, conducting market research can help you spot these changes early on and adjust accordingly.
  • Optimising operations and profitability: Market research can help you identify areas of improvement in your business operations and processes. This enables you to optimise costs and increase profitability. For example, suppose customer surveys reveal dissatisfaction with a particular product or service. In that case, you can use insights from market research to make necessary changes and improve customer satisfaction.
  • Understanding competitors: Monitoring what your competitors are doing allows you to stay ahead of them by introducing new products or services before they do. You can also learn from their mistakes and capitalise on opportunities where they fail.
  • Benchmarking your business success: Market research provides valuable data about successful businesses’ performance. This helps you measure your progress against the competition and identify areas of improvement.

Types of Market Research Methods

Market research in business typically involves combining qualitative and quantitative research methods.

  • Qualitative market research includes focus groups, interviews, surveys, and observational studies. This type of research helps understand customers’ attitudes, opinions, beliefs and motivations.
  • Quantitative market research involves analysing existing data or conducting experiments to measure the size of a target market and customer behaviour. This type of research helps understand the impact of an online marketing campaign or product launch.

Market research can be primary or secondary, depending on how you gather the data. Now we’ll take a closer look at different primary and secondary market research methods.

Source: Unsplash

Primary Market Research Methods

Primary market research is conducted to gather first-hand data from potential customers and industry experts. Examples of primary market research methods include interviews, surveys, focus groups, mystery shopping, and field experiments.

  • One-on-one interviews: One of the most frequently-used primary market research methods is interviewing. You can interview in person, over the phone or via video chat.
  • Surveys: If you want to gather data from a large group of people, surveys are the way to go. You can either distribute paper surveys or create online forms for customers to fill out.
  • Focus groups: You can bring together a small group of customers and have them discuss their opinions about a product or service in an informal setting.
  • Observational studies: They involve observing customers in their natural environment to understand how they interact with a product or service.
  • Mystery shopping: In this method, you’ll hire someone to assess the customer experience. The mystery shopper will go through the entire purchase process and provide feedback on what they liked or didn’t like about the product/service.

Primary market research is advantageous in many ways, such as:

  • Providing an opportunity to interact with customers directly
  • Giving you a better understanding of customer needs and preferences
  • Allowing you to gain valuable insights into customer behaviour
  • Helping you make informed decisions about product development, pricing strategies, etc.

On the other hand, it also has a few limitations:

  • It can be time-consuming and expensive
  • There is no guarantee of accuracy
  • Results can be biassed, depending on the research method used

Secondary Market Research Methods

Secondary market research methods involve an analysis of existing data. This could be anything from industry reports and surveys to census data and news articles.

By analysing this information, you can better understand your target audience’s behaviour, preferences, and buying habits. For example, you can observe changes in the population size or income level over time; track demographic shifts; identify trends in consumer spending patterns; compare prices between competitors; etc.

Sources of secondary market research include:

  • Government reports and surveys
  • Industry publications
  • Trade associations
  • Retailers’ websites

Secondary market research has its pros and cons. The benefits include:

  • It’s cheaper and faster to collect data
  • You can access a wealth of existing information
  • You can easily use many standardised data analytics tools.

On the other hand, secondary market research is usually based on past data and may not be applicable in the current market. Plus, it’s often difficult to find the most reliable and relevant sources of information.

two business employees working using market research statistics

Source: Unsplash

How to Conduct A Market Research: Step-by-Step Guide

While the entire market research process can be complex, understanding the basics will help you get started. Here is a step-by-step guide to conducting market research:

Define Objectives

The first step is to define the objectives of your market research. What do you hope to achieve? Do you want to learn more about your target audience’s needs and preferences? Are you aiming to identify emerging trends in the industry or segment? Knowing what information will help you make better decisions is key to successful market research.

If you’re just exploring a few business ideas, you may want to focus on gaining an understanding of the local demand for specific products and services. In contrast, if you already have an ongoing business, the focus may be on evaluating customer satisfaction with your current offerings.

Identify Target Audience

Next, you need to identify your target audience. It is important to narrow down your focus by age, gender, location, interests, and other relevant characteristics. This will help ensure that your research results are valid and actionable.

Develop A Buyer’s Persona

A buyer’s persona is an imaginary representation of your ideal customer. Creating a buyer’s persona will help you gain insight into how your target audience thinks and acts in different situations. You may want to include the following information

  • Demographics (age, gender, income level)
  • Psychographics (interests, hobbies, lifestyle)
  • Shopping habits (online/offline channels used; preferred brands; etc.)
  • Values and beliefs

This will help you tailor your product or service to meet their needs.

business transaction between client and employee

Source: Unsplash

Choose Methodologies & Develop Research Instruments

Once you’ve pinpointed the goals of your market research, it’s time to select appropriate methodologies and create research instruments – such as surveys, interviews, focus groups and observation studies. Depending on budget restrictions and objectives, you can use one or a combination of these techniques.

When developing questionnaires or interview guides for your study, make sure they are well–structured with clear instructions that will help respondents answer accurately. Additionally, if conducting an online survey using a survey software platform like SurveyMonkey or Typeform consider adding interactive elements such as images, videos or polls.

Gather and Analyze Data Using Scientific Tools and Approaches

Once you’ve gathered the data, it’s time to analyse and interpret it. Selecting the appropriate tools and methods based on your research objectives is essential for successful results.

Commonly used tools include statistical analysis software such as SPSS or R, Excel spreadsheets, pivot tables etc. In contrast, qualitative methods such as content analysis are useful for understanding customer sentiment or perception of products/services.

Report Your Findings

It’s time to present your findings straightforwardly. Visuals such as charts and diagrams can help explain complex data clearly and effectively. Additionally, give actionable advice based on the research that business managers can put into practice.

Helpful Tips for Effective Market Analysis

Here are some helpful tips for conducting effective market research:

  • Set measurable objectives: Define your goals and objectives before you begin the market analysis, as this will help keep you focused on the right metrics and data points. Moreover, if you’re on a tight budget as a startup, narrowing down your objectives will also help you manage finances more effectively.
  • Be thorough in your research: Conduct a comprehensive review of the marketplace to understand consumer trends, competitors’ activities, and industry developments.
  • Prioritise accuracy over speed: It’s important to take your time when conducting market research; rushing through it can lead to inaccurate results that could be detrimental to your business decisions.
  • Use multiple sources of information: Try to collect data from as many sources as possible to get the most accurate insights.
  • Leverage technology: Utilise available online tools and software to make your research more efficient and effective.
  • Study competitors: Keeping a close eye on what your competitors are doing will help you stay ahead of the curve and uncover new opportunities.
  • Stay up to date: The market is constantly changing, so make sure to review industry developments and adjust your strategies accordingly regularly.

Wrap-up: Leverage Market Research to Grow Sustainably

Market research is critical to any successful business strategy. By understanding your customers, their needs, and the market in which you operate, you can make informed decisions and grow your business sustainably. Whether you’re looking to launch a new product, expand into a new market, or improve your customer experience, market analysis can help you get there.

If you’re looking to establish a business in the UAE, Virtuzone can help. Our team of experts can help you navigate the complexities of the UAE’s business landscape and ensure you have the resources and support you need to succeed.

So why wait? Contact Virtuzone today to learn more about how we can help you establish and grow your business in the UAE. Whether you’re a first-time entrepreneur or an experienced business owner, we have the knowledge and expertise to help you achieve your goals.

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